
Kalmar Science Park AB is part of the Kalmar Kommunbolag AB Group. The board consists of nine members, whereof the business community in Kalmar are represented by two.

The Board is appointed by the City Council of Kalmar Municipality. The term starts after the Annual General Meeting, which follows immediately after a City Council election, and runs until the end of the Annual General Meeting following the next election to the City Council. The City Council also appoints the board’s Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Based on its owner constellation, the board is composed as follows:

Chairman: Per Jonsson (C)
Vice-Chairman: Johan Krantz (M)

Member: Eva Pohl (S)
Member: Mårten Ekblad (S)
Member: Emma Wahlmino (L)
Member: Leif Nilsson (V)
Member: Torbjörn Andersson (SD)
Member: Lars Behrenz, representing academia, Linnaeus University
Member: Mats-Ola Svensson, representing business, CGI

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