Business developers

We will solve your challenges together

A business developer helps you achieve your goals. They help you set a value proposition and create a business plan or an innovation plan. A business developer also supports with other activities that prepare a company for future challenges.

The following are some comments from companies who have worked with a business developer:

Kodbruket is working with business developer Harry Håkansson, who assists with goal setting and acts as a sounding board:

– “It’s good to be a bit under the pump from a business developer,” says Andreas Karlsson, who runs Kodbruket. “Kalmar Science Park is also an important conduit for us to access Kalmar’s business networks. The networks hold a lot of knowledge about investments and experience with raising capital, something that we will take advantage of in the future.”

Jörgen Dahl has had a flying start with his aesthetic pictures of famous landmarks, buildings and stadiums in various cities, which he sells on

– “Everything has happened in a heartbeat. With the assistance of my business developer, we will now structure the company better and also establish a board,” says Jörgen Dahl. “I also get access to the valuable network of companies that exist. All this brings in that little extra something which enables me to progress the company in the best possible way.”

Business developer Kenneth Lundin assists and supports Consultify with setting strategies, business goals and keeping to the set direction:

– “The Kalmar Science Park hub is cool, it sparks and bubbles everywhere,” says Rasmus Kallmeby, Sales Manager at Consultify. “Having said that, it’s also professional. Our business developer Kenneth is a great match for us. We work well together, it’s straight talking and the pace is fast. The regular meetings with different experts are insanely valuable.”

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